Thursday, June 26, 2008

Colorado Fun

June 19-24 I went to Breckenridge ,Colorado with some people I babysit for. They asked me to come along and watch the kids while I was there. It was a lot of fun. Thanks Matt and Christie for this opportunity. Here are the pics and more on the way.

Here is little lizzie-Lou, Matt and Christy....

This is the creek that runs through the town....

We were on a hike and I just really liked this pic it was really pretty.....

This is belle-boo the big sissy of lizzy........

She just had to strike a pose after the serious one. Hehehe........

Spring Break

So it is spring break for me. NOT! I got a little bit behind this year. So I am going to be doing it through the whole year. Not very fun but i'll get it done soon enough.